
Τα 16 dots του Δημήτρη Σαράντου

Ο ταλαντούχος hair artist Δημήτρης Σαράντου, απαντά στα 16 dots που αφορούν την προσωπικότητά του.

•  Your trip: France
•  Your book: The story of the eye (Georges Bataille)
•  Your moto: Don’t forget to have a good time
•  Your song: Disorder (Joy Division)
•  Your colour: Dark Blue
•  Your series: Vinyl (But it stopped)
•  Your drink: Negroni
•  Your item: The tools of my work
•  Your food: Risotto
•  Your moment of the day: I keep separate every minute of my life
•  Your spot: Live conserts bands
•  Your town: Athens
•  Your season: 2018
•  Your favorite characteristic on others: Courtesy
•  Your flower: Tulips
•  Your designer: Raf Simons
