
Τα 16 dots της Νεφέλης Κουρή

Η ηθοποιός Νεφέλη Κουρή, απαντά σε 16 dots που αφορούν την προσωπικότητά της.

•  Your trip: Clile
•  Your book: Crime and punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevski and les misermables, Victor Hugo
•  Your moto: Take Care 
•  Your song: Diamonts and rust, Joan Baez
•  Your colour: Deep Blue
•  Your series: Little house on the prairie
•  Your drink: Lemonade 
•  Your item: My bike  
•  Your food: Ice-cream
•  Your moment of the day: When i read books to my daughter before going to sleep
•  Your spot: All the cinemas of athens 
•  Your town: Istanbul
•  Your season: Winter
•  Your favorite characteristic on others: Humor
•  Your flower: Night Flower
•  Your designer: Ioanna Kourbela

#16DotsByDidee – Shot by Yiorgos Kaplanidis